Welcome to Fes, Morocco’s ancient heart, where every corner tells a story of centuries past. If you’re yearning for a journey that combines deep cultural immersion with the thrill of discovery, Fes is your destination.

With its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant artisanal scenes, Fes promises an experience unlike any other. Let’s explore what makes this city a must-visit for anyone captivated by the beauty and depth of Moroccan culture.

Step Back in Time: Fes el-Bali

Begin your adventure in Fes el-Bali, the oldest walled part of the city and a UNESCO World Heritage site. With over 9,000 narrow lanes and alleys, this medieval medina is a labyrinth of history. Here, life buzzes as it has for centuries. Explore historic madrasas, vibrant bazaars, and hidden gardens, all while navigating streets that feel untouched by time.

entrance to fes el bali

Architectural Marvels: Madrasas and Mosques

Fes, a city celebrated for its splendid Islamic architecture, offers a glimpse into Morocco’s rich historical and spiritual heritage through its beautifully preserved structures.

Bou Inania Madrasa

The Bou Inania Madrasa, accessible to non-Muslim visitors, is a prime example of Marinid architecture. With its elaborate zellij tilework and ornate cedar carvings, this madrasa showcases exquisite craftsmanship. Its courtyard, adorned with Kufic calligraphy and intricate lattice work, highlights the madrasa’s architectural sophistication, serving as a vivid display of medieval Islamic educational and religious practices.

Al Attarine Madrasa

Located near the spice market, the Al Attarine Madrasa captivates visitors with its beautiful symmetry and detailed decorations. The stucco work around its mihrab, rich in arabesque and calligraphic designs, enhances the spiritual ambiance, making it a serene space for reflection and learning.

University of Al Quaraouiyine

The University of Al Quaraouiyine, the oldest continuously functioning university in the world, was founded in 859 AD by Fatima al-Fihri. Its library, a treasure trove of over 4,000 manuscripts, includes priceless texts spanning religious, scientific, and philosophical disciplines. This university not only symbolises the historical depth of Islamic education but also highlights the significant contributions of Muslim scholars to various fields of knowledge.

These architectural sites are not just stunning in their aesthetic appeal but are also beacons of historical and educational significance, reflecting the rich academic legacy and spiritual depth of Fes.

Culinary Delights: Taste the Tradition of Fes

Discover the authentic tastes and traditional dishes that make Moroccan cuisine a vibrant highlight of Fes:

Traditional Moroccan Dishes:

  • Tagine: A must-try, slow-cooked stew combining meat with vegetables and fruits, spiced with saffron and cumin for a rich, aromatic flavour.
  • Couscous: Served on special occasions, this beloved dish features steamed semolina grains topped with a mix of vegetables and meat, emblematic of Moroccan culinary arts.

The Riad Dining Experience:

  • Atmosphere: Enjoy meals in traditional Moroccan houses with interior gardens, offering intimate and decorative settings.
  • Courses: Start with an array of mezze followed by main courses like lamb with prunes or chicken with lemon and olives, each dish showcasing the depth of Moroccan flavours.

Moroccan Mint Tea:

  • Known as ‘Moroccan whiskey’ due to its popularity, this sweetened green tea with fresh mint leaves is a refreshing end to any meal and a significant gesture of hospitality.

Local Delicacies:

  • B’ssara: A hearty bean soup typically enjoyed for breakfast.
  • Harira: A robust soup made with tomatoes, lentils, chickpeas, and lamb, commonly consumed during Ramadan to break the fast.

By sampling these dishes and participating in these dining experiences, visitors can enjoy a rich tapestry of flavours that offer a window into the cultural and historical essence of Fes.

Artisanal Crafts: A Legacy of Handicraft

Fes’s medina is the pulsating heart of Morocco’s artisanal crafts. Visit the Chouara Tannery to witness the traditional tanning processes that produce vibrant leather goods. Meet local weavers, coppersmiths, and potters, and perhaps take home a piece of Fes with you. Supporting these artisans helps preserve these ancient crafts for future generations.

Spiritual Insights: Mosques and Zaouias

Though non-Muslims cannot enter the mosques, the external architecture alone is awe-inspiring. The Kairaouine Mosque, surrounded by the spiritual pulse of the city, offers a profound sense of peace and majesty. Explore the zaouias—mausoleums of saints—for further spiritual reflection and architectural beauty.

Vibrant Nightlife and Festivals

Fes is not just about history; it also hosts vibrant nightlife and cultural festivals. The annual Fes Festival of World Sacred Music draws global artists and audiences, celebrating music and dance in spectacular settings. For a modern twist, explore chic cafes and lounges that offer Moroccan-fusion cuisine and live music.

Book Today with Deep Morocco Tours

To fully experience the depth of Fes, consider a guided tour with Deep Morocco Tours. Our expert local guides tailor your tour to your interests, whether it’s a culinary exploration, a historical deep-dive, or an artisanal shopping spree. Let us make your visit to Fes unforgettable.

Fes is more than just a travel destination; it’s an experience steeped in history and culture. From its ancient streets to its vibrant markets, every aspect of Fes invites discovery and wonder. Book your tour today with Deep Morocco Tours and start your adventure in Morocco’s most enchanting city. Join us and let your story in Fes begin!